The navigate function powering Ruck app route navigation on the client that’s populated in the React context NavigateContext by the React component ClientProvider now converts a relative URL used for option url to an absolute URL using document.baseURI as the base instead of location.origin. This is consistent with how a native a element with a href attribute relative to a document base element navigates.
The function serve option clientImportMap now also accepts an import map object.
Updated dependencies.
Use development versions of React related dependencies in the development import map.
Function documentHasStyleSheet fixes and improvements:
A relative URL used for argument 1 href now converts to an absolute URL using document.baseURI as the base instead of location.origin.
Added runtime argument type checks.
Added tests.
React hook useOnClickRouteLink fixes and improvements:
Now the click event handler doesn’t do anything if the event default action is already prevented, if a non main mouse button was pressed, or if any of the following keys were pressed during the click:
Alt (in Safari, downloads the link)
Control (in Safari, displays the link context menu)